Thursday, November 20, 2008


Fantasy sports have to be dumbed down for women? Wait, what? Granted, I'm not one that participates in a fantasy league, though I have considered it. Maybe I will now that it's dumb enough for me to understand. Please. Decide for yourself ladies.


Cat said...

I always start in fantasy leagues, and then I forget I have a team and lose miserably. However, I did not realize that I was apparently too stupid to play fantasy sports. Is it that they don't want us to hurt our brains with the math? I don't get it.

Rebecca said...

Ah well I sure am glad that those fantasy leagues have been simplified. I for one could not understand the point system, I mean a point for an assist, one for a goal (or two depending on the league rules), a point for a win, three for a shutout? That is some high level mathematics there.

Ms. Conduct said...

Oh gag. I don't even know where to begin. I get it from a business perspective, but as a woman with her own interests and her own brain... just gag.

Ellie said...

seriously - women only sticking in the kitchen was so last century!

Kerri said...

Was this just unfortunate wording?

Was it complicated enough that men as well as women didn't understand, yet men being the traditional sports lovers suffered through the difficult adding systems whereas women said I'd rather not waste my time? Is this a case of lets make things simpler because it was too hard, in general?

Or is this a case of lets make things simple so the simple minded can play along?

Jennifer Hammer said...

I see your point, and I read the article that KK linked (I linked KK) and it did seem more like the intention was to dumb down for all people who had trouble with the math. Then they had to go and say "The changes have helped attract a growing female fan base". Had they just left it at making it simpler for everyone, I wouldn't have such a problem with it. But sexism was introduced by the wording of the article.