Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hockey, gay men, and that guy from "Ed"

Last week, Breakfast with Scot opened in Canada. The movie is about a gay couple -- a hockey news caster and a current player -- raising a nephew. Since I doubt my one sentence synopsis does the movie justice, check out the trailer below. The movie looks pretty funny, and I am hoping that a theater in the area picks it up eventually. I have to add that this movie has done the impossible...I have stopped actively disliking the Maple Leafs. The Leafs allowed their logo and branding to be used in the movie, which is a pretty courageous thing to do in the conservative hockey world. Kudos to them.

Also, once this comes out on DVD...I am sensing a good movie for HLOG movie night.


Meg said...

The NHL also had to give the ok for this and did so. Something that other professional sports leagues have been unwilling to do. Not as big a deal as the Leafs giving it their ok, but still nice to see. :)

Dare said...

I was under the impression that it was the Leafs that had to give their okay, as they used all the licensed Leafs stuff, etc.

Breakfast with Scot was shown in Edmonton last month during the film festival, but we had a hockey game that night and missed it. I'm questioning whether it's going to get a return release...I guess I can hope.

Meg said...

I was under the impression that it was the Leafs that had to give their okay, as they used all the licensed Leafs stuff, etc.

The producers needed permission from the Leafs to use licensed Leafs stuff, but they also needed the permission of the NHL to use licensed NHL stuff. Without that permission they wouldn't have been able to use the NHL logo on anything or even say that Cavanaugh's character played in the NHL--they would have had to make up a phony league.

Cat said...

Hee, that movie looks so awesome. Here's hoping it's released in Texas - I LOVE Tom Cavanagh.

The Acid Queen said...

OK, I am SO going to watch this movie when it comes to Raleigh.