Monday, April 09, 2007

What a Difference 10 Years Makes

From this...

Official in-house video from the 1997-98 Playoff Run this

Next year will be the ten year anniversary of the last time the Capitals did anything of any interest in the playoffs. Coincidence? I think not. I think it's going to be an anniversary to remember.

So enjoy the postseason, ladies - the Caps are comin' for you next year!

Yeah, I couldn't even type that with a straight face.


chanuck said...

Love that first video. I remember that year very well. I miss the Manson song as our opening.

CapsChick said...

That video was fantastic, I remember seeing it each round as they updated it...of course, there's no feature on the Red Wings' series, but no one wants to relive that ;)

"Beautiful People" was pretty good as an opening, you're right. Although I like "Back in Black" (which will have to go for obvious reasons...)

Paige said...


As a golfer (I don't seem the type, do I?) that was almost painful to watch.

I love it- "I sware god!... I sware my mother!"