Monday, March 26, 2007

Weekly Topic: March 26 - April 1: Superstitions

A superstition is the irrational belief that future events are influenced by specific behaviors, without having a causal relationship. -
As the regular season draws to a close and playoffs loom now is the time, maybe more than ever, that any superstitions we have are out in full force with game day rituals having special attention paid to them, each detail remembered. Even though we may have covered this topic earlier in the year (pardon my bad memory and I'm too lazy to go look :D), I think it's time to share again - unless part of your superstition is secret. If you do have one, is it different from earlier in the season? Does it change for the playoffs? Does it change from year to year? Does it matter if it's a home or road game?

(PS. - Don't you love the fact that it's an irrational belief? I mean, really, what other kind would there be with regards to this circumstances?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know it's silly, but I have to wear my Sabre earrings every game day, but I have to take them off before they drop the puck!!