Friday, December 29, 2006

Music to my ears

As some of you know, I hopped on a plane to leave the T-dot and headed to Flamesland for the holidays. On said plane, I finally had time to sit and ponder the perfect playlist for the Flames. Since I am not on my regular posting machine, it's not on par with what I pictured in my head. Here is my list of what I think the Flames should listen to:

1. I Get Wet - Andrew W.K. AWK is just all round awesome and this song in particular kicks some serious a-s-s. The rousing horn and organ intro turning into piano, guitar and drums gets your blood moving straight away. This song might be the fastest 3 minutes and 23 seconds of your life. You watch what I say/(Watch what I say)/Watch what I do/Because I really don't care/I really don't care/I know you're trying to get somewhere/You watch what you say/(Watch what I do)/Im gonna get on you/I really don't care/I really don't care/You're never gonna go nowhere.

2. Like Eating Glass - Bloc Party Oh I love this song. Slow to start with guitar but then the drums come in and then after 55 seconds of anticipation Kele Okereke's voice starts with It's so cold in this house and then the song goes on and makes you feel everything you would feel at a game. I can't eat, I can't sleep/I can't sleep, I can't dream ... Like drinking poison, like eating glass Hope, agony, relief, despair; it's all in there my friends. Run now and get yourself some Bloc Party.

3. Banquet - Bloc Party Just in case you didn't get it, here's another one. I don't really know what to say about it. The song just makes me move with a great beat. It just feels right, you know? And if you feel a little left behind/We will wait for you on the other side/'Cause I'm on fire/'Causeyou know I'm on fire when you come/'Cause you know I'm on fire/'Cause you know I'm on fire so stomp me out/'Cause I'm on fire I really am stuck. Just go listen to it.

4. The Wreckoning - BoomKat This song is just straight hilarious. Who knew that a brother and sister with a Casio would have a one-hit wonder, especially with the sister being actress Taryn Manning (Hustle & Flow, 8 Mile)? Anyways, I chose this one for the first few lines: I came, I saw, I kicked some ass/The pain I cause it makes me laugh Hahaha, indeed, indeed. Plus it's just funny.

5. This Fire - Franz Ferdinand If you are familiar with the double F, you will know crazy Alex Krapanos' voice and the genius behind this song. Is a song about fire to cliche for the Flames? Oh well, I don't care. I seem to remember it being played at the Saddledome when I was there in early December. Plus, we all know I burn for the Flames. Now there is a fire in me/A fire that burns/This fire is out of control/I'm going to burn this city/Burn this city

6. Go-Go Gadget Gospel - Gnarls Barkley Most of you are probably have heard GB's Crazy be played to death this summer but take the chance on the rest of the album and you won't be disappointed. I think the whole thing should be played pre-game but since I only had room for 12 songs I narrowed it down. This song is starts out with the sound of an 8mm film but then BAM! Your toes start tapping and your head starts bobbing and maybe, just maybe, your shoulders start swinging. What you waitin' on?/I won't ask your, passion, smilin', laughin'/Yieldin', feelin', helpin', healin'/Introduce your neighbour to your saviour Since hockey could my religion and Dion is a carpenter, does that mean he's my saviour?

7. Sandstorm - Darude Go ahead, laugh your ass off. I know this song is silly but it reminds me of a time when I had season's tickets to the Kootenay Ice and they would play this during every single warm up and I would bop along the concourse in my sparkly pants and jersey with my peppermint mocha as I made my way to my seat. It's purely sentimental but it's my hockey song. I am laughing as I write this. GO ICE! Hahahaha

8. Smack It Up - FannyPack When a bunch of teen girls from Brooklyn, NY are classified as an "electro/miami booty bass/rap group," you know you are in a for a good time. Seriously, they crack me up as they smack it up. If you ever run into trouble with another fangirl or need to defend yourself to a bunny, just remember the opening conversation: Son, I just wanted to take her hair and just yank her, yo/Omigod you should have, you should have/I just want to throw her down the stairs, I can't just stand her/Omigod/I'm like, you know how it is/Yes, I know, girl, I know/You know/I know Since it's hard to put the rest of the lyrics down, just go read them.

9. 1976 - RJD2 Ramble John "RJ" Krohn lays down some nice beats is this tune. Not too many lyrics (well all I can hear is that he repeats Istanbul a lot), just drums, horns and scratching.

10. Fire - The Sounds With a distinct indie/punk sound hailing from Sweden and female lead Maja Ivarsson's vocals, these guys are one of my favourites. They have a bit of electronica thrown in so it's kind of like being stuck in a video game but the lyrics remind me of what it's like to follow a team and how well they are doing is a direct correlation to how my heart is doing. I feel fine, if I feel at all/I Feel fine, but I need you more/There´s no use, it´s up to you, oh can´t you hear my heart beat?/And I could be someone else tonight/I can be what you decide/There´s no use, it´s up to you, oh can´t you feel my heart beat?

11. Juicebox - The Strokes Eeee I love the beginning to this song with the heavy bass (reminds me of Weezer's Hash Pipe which is also great and also belongs on this list). The lyrics make me think of what the Flames should be thinking as they step onto the ice Everybody sees me/But its not that easy/Standing in the lightfield/Standing in the lightfield/Waiting for some action/Waiting for some action/Why wont you come over here/Why wont you come over here/We've got a city to love/Why wont you come over here/We've got a city to love

12. No More Mr. Nice Guy - Alice Cooper I can't let the list go by without a little classic rock and this one from Alice takes the cake. You know when things are going along in a game and then POW! out of nowhere someone throws a hit or drops the gloves, someone who you don't expect to? Well, this song is for them. I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing/Until they got a hold of me/I opened doors for little old ladies/I helped the blind to see/I got no friends 'cause they read the papers/They can't be seen with me and I'm getting shot down/And I'm feeling mean/No more Mister Nice Guy/No more Mister Clean/No more Mister Nice Guy

As I finish the list, I see that it's songs are ones that make me think of hockey and not so much what the Flames should listen to. Oh well, I listen and I like them, so go get 'em, boys.

At our next international HLOG symposium I think everyone should bring their list of songs, don their jersey and belt out the lyrics in karaoke.

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