Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas and to all a good night!

I'm a good 2 hours early (well in Australialand) and the HLOG office has been a little half empty. We're all hitting the problem of trying to balance our hard partying lifestyles with the duty of being a faithful HLOG typer. I'll be honest that my only need for the Habs to satisfy me is for them to just win (which they won't because let's face it - they're slimy little fucks).

So for this Christmas in the HLOG headquarters of Jordi's house, she'll be kicking back with some non-hockey socialising and embarrassing myself on a friend's Wii (named PNES because he is a geek and he found it hilarious).

However as a big thankyou to everyone else, to all you gals who might have been around since the last months or even our first christmas last year - it's a big Merry Christmas from Jordi.

And as the head bitch, I'll be giving any of our readers a big

(oh and may the Habs feast on the blood of your newborn rookies and slightly ragged veterans with gimpy legs)

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