Thursday, November 15, 2007

Can You Feel The Love?

I opened my mail today to find something from the Hurricanes--a special message for fans from Chad LaRose! So, of course, I hit the link:

Words fail me. Probably because I'm laughing so hard that I'm gasping for air.


Steph said...

Oh...ouch. And yet amazing.

Miss. Scarlett said...

I'm so glad you shared that. Chad LaRose needs to be on TV more often (I also love how they gave up trying to pretend he wasn't reading)

Bethany said...

Wow...Chad LaRose is now my hero...I think I'm in love.

Anonymous said...

He beats even Tiny!Briere for horrible ads this season. (Anyone want to pick me up a Little Plastic Staal?)

Connie said...

I'm kind of disappointed that he didn't say that he gazes at the figurine every night. I would have laughed louder.

Eleanor said...

As a big Mike Commodore fan (going back to his days as a Devil, believe it or not) I've had to give in to the Chad LaRose love as well. I mean, Mikey C referred to him as "Rosebud" in some video that showed them playing NHL2K7 (or whatever game is was; I can't keep them straight); how can you not love a guy who was called "Rosebud"? Anyway, this video here has only further cemented my belief that he's... well, awesome!


The Acid Queen said...

BTW, sorry for the autoplay all--I tried to disable that, but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be working.