Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Group Rasterbation

C'mon, y'all. Get with the rasterbation. You're slacking :-) (Next on my list, a big Pens logo, a big HBears logo and a big Canucks logo. I also have a great short of the Pens warming up that may take up residence on my big empty wall. And yes, that is a collection of stuffed moose down under the Pens being dorks)

In Other Hockey News from Central PA.....

Even though it's not posted anymore (did I imagine the whole thing?) I really did see a posting for a Giant Center (HBears!) announcer yesterday, and yes, I really did apply. I figure that I'm not going to expect I'll get it, so even if they want me to come in and 'audition' I'll be pleasantly surprised.

From what I can gather, this isn't even commentary, it's just the "Slashing, number 72" announcements,which means you have to have a working knowledge of the game and know the ref signals, then you have to read the ads that they give you to read. I like to think that I could handle reading from a piece of paper, and the College Hockey Collective had already started using ref signals in everyday life during playoffs this year.

Now the only thing I have working against me is the femaleitude (and the fact that MAYBE I didn't so much tell them I had a class wednesday night....)


Elly said...

Aww, I love that picture. That's gotta be one of my favorites from last year.

The Royal Family said...

i recognize some of my own moose in your collection :) well, twin moose, that is

Tracy said...

I've realized that I really don't have any room on my walls for those freakin things... however, I can MAKE room. That and I'm planning to move soon so I'll have more room...

Steph said...

ARGH I can't rasterbate until I get my new power cable.

Heyyy that just doesn't sound good does it?

Jordi said...

I'm sure if rasterbating didn't sound like a sick hobby more people would be doing it.

Anyway, more rasterbation damnit!

Tracy said...

I must admit... every time that I see the word I have to go, wait, what??

Young HF29 said...

This group rasterbation project you guys got going is freaking me out. There are just so many jokes to be made with that word but I have to work. It's killing me.