Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Danny Briiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeereeeeee

Le petit Briere gets his first career hat trick! He and the other boys were so excited. It was totally adorable. He even got some hats on the road. (He also got an octopus.)


CapsChick said...

Aww...congrats to Danny!

Oh, sorry, are we calling him la Petit Briere now? Congrats to him too :) And against Tampa, loving that.


Heather B. said...

LE Petit Briere. As hockeygirl pointed out to me "la petit" is the feminine form. I like the way "le petit Briere" rolls off the tongue. As long as you're saying nice things, Danny works too though :-)

The Acid Queen said...

I wouldn't blame you for not believing me, but good for him.

*polite applause*

CapsChick said...

Duh...I took French, you'd think I would know that. I guess it would actually be "la petite", too. Either way it would probably be an insult to Danny.

Jordi said...

Congratulations little one! They have taught you well!

HG said...

I was so excited for him! I can't believe it was his first ever! So awesome! Yippee!

Okay I better settle down or else I will have to change my blog name.

Anonymous said...

I keep reviewing the recording of that thing on the ice. Doesn't look like an octopus. It looks a lot like a rat. Hard to tell if it is still alive though. The head looks like it might be moving.
My guess is it lives in the arena and snuck out during the commercial break while they clean up the snow.

Anonymous said...

I keep reviewing the recording of that thing on the ice. Doesn't look like an octopus. It looks a lot like a rat. Hard to tell if it is still alive though. The head looks like it might be moving.
My guess is it lives in the arena and snuck out during the commercial break while they clean up the snow.

Anonymous said...

oops sorry about the double post.

Heather B. said...

kasper, I have to admit I didn't actually see it. I was in the kitchen by then. I just heard our announcers say something about the ref going to get the octopus or squid. They weren't sure what it was.